Head Moderator: @moderator (Moderator) is a direct employee of Keith Urban/Monkeyville On Vine. The Moderator represents Keith Urban in correspondence with his fans and moderates and manages the website as a whole. The Moderator has the right to suspend or ban any member at any time and for any reason in accordance with these rules and at their sole discretion.

The Moderator reserves the right to discuss and resolve all issues privately. All correspondence with the Moderator should include your username, email address and detailed explanation of the problem encountered.

To contact the Head Moderator/Site Manager, email


This community has members of ages 13 and older and all are expected to conduct themselves in a mature and responsible manner. Members are to respect the opinions of others and refrain from attacking another person for expressing their opinions. Name-calling, personal attacks and harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. As previously stated, the Moderator reserves the right to remove any content posted by members, or to suspend or ban any member at any time or for any reason in accordance with these rules and at their sole discretion. If you feel you or any other member has been attacked or harassed, please contact the Moderator immediately.


Anyone who is found to have committed one of the below actions will be contacted by Depending on the severity of the violation, the person will be issued either a warning or an immediate ban. If a warning is issued and another violation occurs, that person will be banned. Banned members forfeit the right to a refund of their membership fee.

  • Flaming, which includes, but is not limited to, use of racial, religious or ethnic slurs, sexually discriminative or homophobic language, swearing, and derogatory labeling.
  • Hate speech of any kind
  • Posting of pornographic or otherwise inappropriate, offensive or obscene images.
  • Posting of Phoenix Club exclusive content, including media, news, links, etc. on any platform outside of Phoenix Club.
  • Posting of stolen music or any unauthorized content.
  • Use of a photo owned or posted by another member, or any modified version thereof, without the member’s consent.
  • Use of anyone’s private information, member or not.
  • Spamming the board as a whole or by individual forum.
  • Threats at any level, but most severely, threat or encouragement of physical harm.
  • Encouraging online bullying in any form, towards anyone.
  • Disrespecting any member of the Keith Urban staff, including the Moderator.
  • Hacking, including, but not limited to, hacking into or disabling other member or moderator accounts.
  • Impersonation of a band, staff, or Management member in any form.
  • Giving or providing to any other person a meet and greet pass that has been issued to a member.
  • Creating or owning multiple accounts by the same person within The Ville: Phoenix Club
  • Making false statements about Keith Urban or any member of his staff or family.


The type and length of disciplinary action will be determined at the sole discretion of the security team, the Moderator and Keith Urban’s Management (Management). The level of severity and degree of disruption caused by the offense will be considered. If a banned member returns with a new account, that account will also be banned. Other members posting for banned members will also be subject to disciplinary action.


Upon joining The ‘Ville Facebook Group, please review the rules in the about section here:

You are cautioned not to post your own personal information in the interest of safety. You should not post your address, telephone number, or anything that might put you at risk. Monkeyville On Vine is not responsible for monitoring this information, and neither they nor Keith Urban is liable for any consequences that may result from the exchange of this information.

Monkeyville On Vine does not police copyright violations. If any member is reported to have violated copyrighted material, neither Keith Urban nor Monkeyville On Vine is liable for any damages resulting from such violation. Additionally, the violating member is subject to ban as a result of posting copyrighted material.

Do not use another member’s name in your post unless it is a positive post or otherwise approved by the member.

Please post in English only. The Moderator can only moderate in English and will delete any posts that are in any language other than English.

Always provide the link when posting articles so that credit is given to the proper source.

Refrain from spreading rumors, particularly about Keith, his family, his band and others associated with him. If you did not receive the information you are posting from a credible source, please do not post it. The Moderator reserves the right to delete any posts they believe to contain false information.

You are expected to treat other members with respect and kindness at all times and across all avenues, in person or on the internet. Please report any inappropriate behavior thoroughly and completely to the Moderator.

Above all, respect others and their opinions in this loving community that Keith cherishes!


Please visit for information on meet & greets.


The Moderator reserves the right to amend and/or implement new rules at any time. New rules may be posted periodically. It is every member’s responsibility to read, understand and comply with all posted rules. Your continued access to and use of the website or any other fan club communication after any such changes to these rules shall constitute your consent to those changes.